Monday, June 28, 2010

Award and Tag I made up!

Since TAGS and awards are popular these days, I decided to make my own! Here's the award:

And here's the tag:

1. Have you ever got a dention?

2. When was the last time you colored?

3. What is your favorite dessert?

4. What was the last movie you watched?

5. Go to the nearest bathroom. How many rolls of toilet paper are there?

6. Turn your TV on. What channel and show is it?

7. How many pillows are there in the room you're in?

8. Who was the last person you talked to?

9. What is your favorite room in your house?

10. What is your best photography tip?

I tag as many people as I can think of:
Anne @AmericanGirlFriends
Alex Singer @AGSinger
Jasmine @DollsNWool
Gabby @IHeartAmericanGirl
Gabrielle @SwissMissLotti
Iona @DollsLives
Liv @LivLovesDolls

Then you must contact the people you tag and tell them you tagged them!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Double Post!

I found another TAG from Anne @ American Girl Friends! She tagged me! It's called the Inner Detective Tag and Sammy made it! I would like to do it! All you have to do is answer the questions and then tag people! So here I go!

Q. Do you like Mysteries? A: YES!

Q. Have you read any Mystery books? A: Yes

Q. If you have, what mystery books have you read? A: I've read Nancy Drew, American Girl mysteries, The Boxcar Children and maybe others.

Q. If you could be a detective, would you? A: It sounds like a cool job, but I'm not sure I'd like to do it for a real job.

Q. Have you played any of the Nancy Drew Adventure games by Her Interactive? A: No, but I wish I could play one!

Q. If you have, what is your favorite game? A: I haven't played them.

Q. Have you played any of the Hardy Boy games? A: No

Q. If you have, what is your favorite game? A: I have not played the games.

Q. What is your favorite part about solving a mystery (In a game, or in a book, or in real life) A: I think it's great when you help people who were in danger when there was a mystery to solve.

Q. Did you like this tag? A: Yes, I did! :)

I tag anyone!

Oh, and remember the tag I did a while ago from Joelle's blog? I figured out there's an award that goes with it! Here it is!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

American Girl Giveaway by Doll Wardrobe

There is this fun giveaway that the Doll Wardrobe is having. They are giving away a pack of underwear and headbands made by Mux Originals! To check it out, follow these links and go sign up!

Doll Wardrobe Mux Originals Giveaway

Photo courtesy of the Doll Wardrobe and Mux Originals

My first video!

K guys so I finally found out how to upload videos! (Blogger doesn't work :() So here it is! It's a tour of my dolls room! Sorry the picture isn't that clear. My dad dropped our video camera and I haven't found out how to fix it yet.


Hey guys! I'm having a contest in a few weeks after I finish the one I'm in! It's called AGMA or American Girl Modeling Academy. So I need probably at least 10 people to start. I will post rules later but SIGN UP!
The prizes will be honorable mention for each round and 1st 2nd and 3rd place overall.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi guys!!,

I got this Tag off of Joelle’s blog. She said anyone who didn’t get tagged could do it and I haven’t gotten tagged (that I know of) so I decided to do it :D Here I go…..

If you are tagged:

1. Post about the tag

2. Pick 10 bloggers who deserve this award

3. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you tagged letting them know they were awarded

4. Answer the questions along with your post

So here we go!

1: Apples, Oranges or Bananas? Bananas!

2: How many siblings do you have? 1

3: How old are you? 11

4: Do you live on a woodland, swamp, city, or other? Other....I really don't know :D

5: Scissors or glue? Glue!

6: Describe your dream house. My dream house? Big, spacious, theater room, pool, room for my dolls, sewing/crafts room and a pretty sunroom. hehe :)

7: Is your room clean? Right now, yes, but not really all the time.

8: If you could be a movie character for a day, who would it be/ Hmmmm....probably Tinkerbell!

9: Italy, Greece, France, Spain or England? England

10: What denomination are you? Christian, Catholic

11: Do you sleep with a stuffed toy (BE HONEST!!!!) nope

12: Gum, chocolate, or jelly beans? CHOCOLATE!

13: What is your favorite book? That's tough....maybe Holes by Louis Sachar?

14: Favorite ice cream flavor? Oreo.

15: If you had to eat one type of food for two weeks, what would that food be? McDonald's

16: What is your favorite Olympic sport? Winter or Summer? Gymnastics, Summer

17: If you woke up and discovered that you had turned into Miley Cyrus for the day, what would you do? Call my producers and tell them to pull Can’t Be Tamed off the air….lol And then do a concert.

18: Describe yourself in three words. Awesome, funny, intelligent

19: What do you hate? Stuff......

20: If Elmo came into your room with a gun, what would you do? Scream and run for help because it would be an imposter so a guy in an Elmo suit would be trying to kill you :(

I tag anyone who wants to do it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Thanks Jasmine for this award!!

#1. Thank the person you nominated you and link to their blog
#2. Copy the award and paste it to your blog
#3. Tell us 7 awesome facts about you
#4. Pass this award to 15 (but I am doing 5) awesome bloggers who you have discovered!
#5. Contact your nominations and let them know they have won!

7 facts...
#1. I'm reading Old Yeller
#2. The worst book I ever read was Witch of Blackbird Pond.
#3. The last thing I bought was lip gloss from Claire's
#4. I' watching Freaky Friday.
#5. I play like 10 million sports
#6. I LOVE worms!
#7. I'm saving up for a secret doll

I nominate:
Quinny @quinnyandco
Liv @livlovesdolls
Iona @thelifeof12dolls
Joelle @AmericanGirlForever
Liz @americangirlfan


K guys, I'm soooooooooooooo sorry, but I'm ending the giveaway. Please don't ask why and like I said, I'm really soory!!!!:(

Monday, June 14, 2010

Extending the Giveaway!

Since only 2 people entered the giveaway..........I'm extending it to. June 19th.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Interview with Natalie Bug!!!

Here is another interview!
1. How many dolls do you have and what are their names?
4 dolls. Ruthie, Amber Grace, Kit and Nicky
2.How did you get into AG dolls?
I got into AG dolls when my grandmother gave me a magazine when I was little.

3. Who is your favorite doll and why?

4. What dolls are on your wishlist?

I'm not that into AG Dolls! More into G-mail!!! Luv my fans!!!
-The AG Doll Actress Person