Hi guys!!,
I got this Tag off of Joelle’s blog. She said anyone who didn’t get tagged could do it and I haven’t gotten tagged (that I know of) so I decided to do it :D Here I go…..
If you are tagged:
1. Post about the tag
2. Pick 10 bloggers who deserve this award
3. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people you tagged letting them know they were awarded
4. Answer the questions along with your post
So here we go!
1: Apples, Oranges or Bananas? Bananas!
2: How many siblings do you have? 1
3: How old are you? 11
4: Do you live on a woodland, swamp, city, or other? Other....I really don't know :D
5: Scissors or glue? Glue!
6: Describe your dream house. My dream house? Big, spacious, theater room, pool, room for my dolls, sewing/crafts room and a pretty sunroom. hehe :)
7: Is your room clean? Right now, yes, but not really all the time.
8: If you could be a movie character for a day, who would it be/ Hmmmm....probably Tinkerbell!
9: Italy, Greece, France, Spain or England? England
10: What denomination are you? Christian, Catholic
11: Do you sleep with a stuffed toy (BE HONEST!!!!) nope
12: Gum, chocolate, or jelly beans? CHOCOLATE!
13: What is your favorite book? That's tough....maybe Holes by Louis Sachar?
14: Favorite ice cream flavor? Oreo.
15: If you had to eat one type of food for two weeks, what would that food be? McDonald's
16: What is your favorite Olympic sport? Winter or Summer? Gymnastics, Summer
17: If you woke up and discovered that you had turned into Miley Cyrus for the day, what would you do? Call my producers and tell them to pull Can’t Be Tamed off the air….lol And then do a concert.
18: Describe yourself in three words. Awesome, funny, intelligent
19: What do you hate? Stuff......
20: If Elmo came into your room with a gun, what would you do? Scream and run for help because it would be an imposter so a guy in an Elmo suit would be trying to kill you :(
I tag anyone who wants to do it!