Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hey guys! I decided to have a giveaway! I'm giving away some things from my store, Shelby's Doll Necessities. Now, I will let the winner chose the prize and if you're wondering what the prizes are, then I'll put up a list later on tonight or tomorrow.
1. I DO NOT ship out of the US. Sorry:(
2. You may enter ONCE! No using your parents email. That is unfair to the other contestants.
3. To enter: Comment on this post or send me an email at Please tell me your name, your email, your age and what you are looking forward to!
4. PLEASE check with your parents because I will need your address to send you the prize.

OK. That's it! The deadline to get your entries in is June 13, 2010. I will announce the winner on the 14th. Good luck!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fun Tag!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been so busy with school! Anyways, I found a fun tag on Hannah's blog Irish Girl. Here it is!
The rules are: Tag five people, not the one who sent it to you. You are able to change the questions to a different questions if you don’t want to answer them.

#1-What song are you currently listening to a lot?

Kissin U by Miranda Cosgrove

#2- What books are you currently reading?
Peter and the Starcatchers and I’m also reading Shiloh for school.

#3-Do you sing a lot?
Not really! But it depends on my mood…:)

#4-Sweet or salty?


#5-What is your favorite hobby?

I love reading, but I there is so many more things I love to do…I can’t name them all!

#6-What books have you read at least 3 times?

I usually don’t read books more than once. There’s just so many books to read! But-I’ve read Holes by Louis Sachar 2 times.

#7-What sites do you always visit when you get on the Internet? Gmail, My blog(Do I even have to name it!), and AGFMB. (Well, maybe not the MB every time I go on the internet!)

#8-What was the last thing(s) you bought?
Oxy Spot Treatment for my AG dolls

#9-Which fictional character do you think you are most like?

Goodness…I don’t know! Maybe Nancy Drew and Wendy from Peter Pan? I dunno actually, but those are two of my favorites!

#10-Favorite earliest memory?
After by brother was born, when my parents broght him home I fell on the floor crying. I was thinking "They replaced me!"

#11-What do you do to change your mood?

It depends! If I’m in a kinda cranky mood…play basketball! I like to take my anger out on the game. If I’m in an upset or sad mood I sing Jesus take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood.

#12-What was the last meal you ate?

Lunch- Pizza, Cheetos, Chocolate covered pretzels and cherry yogurt.

#13-Do you want to learn another language?

#14-What are 5 of your favorite names for girls?

Alexis, Addison, Alaina, Claire and Alice. Wow alot of A's!!!

#15- Find the closest book to you, and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph?

“He awoke with an elbow in his ribs.” Wow, RANDOM!

#16-What is something you would like to say right now?

“What kind of question is that?” There-I said it!

#17-What are you looking forward to?
SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!! Only 9 more days!

I tag.............. Whoever comments on this post!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hey guys! I started a store for American Girl specialty items, like one-of-a-kind crafts made just for you! My website is called Shelby's Doll Necessities and the link is The price of the specialty item depends on the thing, but email me at if you are interested!